Armando Mariño: Recent Paintings from the Year of the Protester
Armando Mariño, Happy Protester, 2012. Oil on paper, 30 x 44 in.
Recent Paintings from the Year of the Protester is the first solo exhibition in New York of Cuban-born artist Armando Mariño. For this show, he employs an expanded visual vocabulary that departs from his former style, to depict the global upheaval of 2011. Dynamic, anonymous figures engaged in acts that reference real footage are placed in rich, fluorescent and abstracted backdrops. Mariño’s canvases elevate the mass protests, change and tumult of the last year to an epic level by confronting the aestheticization of violence.
From May 2, 2012 through June 22, 2012 at The 8th Floor, New York.